Victim of Self-Neglect

Have you spent years trying to lose that last ___ pounds? Is your diet shameful? Do you rarely, if ever, find time to exercise? Are you living in a chronic state of stress? Do you wake up every morning saying, "Today I'll be in control," only to slip into the same neglectful routine? Being a registered nurse, I have seen first-hand what happens after years of unchecked stress and self-neglect. It's never pretty and always sad. Stop expecting perfection from yourself, so you'll no longer be able to use the excuse, "Oh well, I'll start again tomorrow." Simply commit each new day to make as many good choices as you can, and commit to improving that number over time. Take a short walk instead of watching TV.

Choose water or juice over soda. Eat one extra fruit or vegetable today. Eat just half of that candy bar instead of the whole thing. Do not dwell on the poor choices, but pat yourself on the back for each positive one. Be mindful of the choices that you make every waking hour. It's not too late to improve your state of health and fitness.

Today is a new day! Dare to have some fun. Dare to try something new. Find it in yourself to forgive yourself and others. Treat yourself in a loving manner. Lighten up your load and live well. Life is too short to do anything less.